How to Transfer Walmart Gift Card to Cash App?

Walmart is a massive retailer in the United States. But, like other companies, Walmart also provides gift cards to their customers. With these cards, they can purchase different products at a low price or transfer them to payment platforms like Venmo, PayPay, and the Cash app. So, if you received a Walmart gift card and thinking about transferring to the cash app, you have come to the right place. Because in this article, I’m going to give you some failproof methods on “How to transfer Walmart gift card to cash app?”

Do you want to know these methods? Well then, keep reading:

Walmart Gift Card: What is it?

Generally, a Walmart Gift is a prepaid card that allows you to purchase favorite products, gas stations, and online stores at low prices. In addition, you can access the best gadgets, accessories, home essentials, and other items. Different types of Gift cards available depend on the amount paid for them. And these cards never expire, and you won’t have to pay any charges.

Types of gift cards: There are generally two types of gift cards.

  1. Closed Loop gift cards
  2. Open Loop gift cards

Here are a few features of Walmart gift cards:

  • Walmart gift cards range in value from $10 to $1000.
  • This Cards can be used at any Walmart store in the United States or Puerto Rico.
  • Walmart gift cards occur in both digital and physical forms.
  • One of the best features is Walmart gift cards never expire.

What Does it mean by Cash App?

You can send and receive funds quickly using the cash app on your mobile device. Moreover, the Cash app platform provides you with an opportunity to buy Bitcoin and stock. Furthermore, you can file your taxes without any trouble and extra charge using Cash App Taxes features. 

Transferring a Walmart Gift Card to Cash App: What does it mean?

How to Transfer Walmart Gift Card to Cash App?

Transferring a Walmart Gift card to CashApp means transferring the amount of money from your Walmart Gift card to your cash app account. This is a regular process, like putting money from your debit card into your Cash app account, and in this scenario, you have a Walmart Gift card instead of a debit card.

Can I Transfer money from Wallmart Gift Card to Cash App?

Like other Gift cards, you can transfer Walmart Giftcard to a Cash app account. But, while performing the transferring process, you will need a PayPal account as an intermediary. So, before proceeding, let’s find out the requirements to transfer a Walmart Gift card to the Cash app. 

What are the requirements for transferring a Walmart Gift card to the Cash app?

Before moving the amount from Walmart Giftcard to the Cash app, you have to fulfill some requirements- the Walmart Giftcard should be valid and contain funds. If you already have fulfilled these requirements, then you are ready to go: 

How to transfer Walmart Giftcard to Cash App? Step-by-Step Process

To transfer Walmart Giftcard to Cash app, you have to perform the following easy steps:

  1. Log in and Add Walmart Gift Card:
    1. Open PayPal and login into your account.
    2. Now, tap on the settings, and you will find an option for adding a card.
    3. Then, click the option and provide details of your Walmart Gift card.
  2. Transfer Money to Cash App:
    1. Return to the main menu after linking the Walmart Gift card to PayPal.
    2. Afterward, select the “send money” option and type the desired amount.
    3. You must add a description of your Cash App account before transferring money.
    4. And select “Gift Card Balance” as the payment.

Following these simple steps, you can transfer a Walmart gift card to the Cash App. Moreover, you won’t need a credit card or bank account to move the money to the cash app.

How to transfer money from a Walmart Gift Card to a bank account?

Generally, using two primary methods, you can transfer money from a Walmart Gift card to your bank account. And the methods are:

Method 1: Using PayPal App

In this method, you will need a PayPal Account. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can install the app from the play store and open an account by providing the necessary information. However, if you already have a PayPal account, you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the PayPal app and log in:
    • After opening the PayPal app, log in to your account.
  2. Attach Bank account:
    1. Now, find the “Link a bank account or Card” option and select it.
    2. Then, follow the direction and provide the necessary information to attach the bank account number.
    3. After verifying your personal information, you can move funds to your bank account from the Walmart Gift card through PayPal.

This method ensures the transfer of money instantly. However, using PayPal as a payment method will safeguard you from fraud. There will be a charge for using this service. Now let’s discuss the 2nd method.

Method 2: Selling Walmart Gift Cards

You can sell Walmart gift cards for money if you don’t want to spend it. Visa gift cards are a convenient way to send money to someone else. Even though you may face trouble transferring your money, you can quickly sell them and receive a check for the gift card amount. In addition, You can also sell your card and receive cash. The funds will then be available for use on your debit card.

You can sell Walmart Gift Cards on some websites to turn Walmart gift card to cash. Here I listed these sites for you.


How can I transfer money from Visa Gift card to Cash App?

If you’ve got a Visa Gift card, you can attach it to your Paypal Cash app account. After connecting the card, you can quickly transfer funds from PayPal to your Cash App. Now, you have to link your Cash App debit card to Paypal, which enables you to use the card to get products from the site. Moreover, You can use your Visa gift card to access your Cash App wallet after connecting your PayPal and Cash App accounts.

However, you will also be able to transfer visa gift card funds to your cash app account by contacting the toll-free number. Did you find the number? It is on the back of the card. Afterward, they will ask you to provide your card number and other details to transfer the money to your’s Cash App account. Now, you can go to the app and check your balance.

Is there a Gift Card Swap Kiosk at Walmart?

Yes, you will find these machines available in many places. Moreover, you can buy a check for a specific amount from the gift card exchange Kiosk. But this check will be invalid after a certain period. So, when you get the check, please give it to the cashier and exchange it for cash. However, you can reject the offer and return the gift card if you do not want to accept the check.

But, before exchanging gift cards, it would be best if you find out the card’s remaining value. Hence, you won’t need to go to the store again.

Now, go to the nearest gift card exchange Kiosk and insert the card’s information. However, after entering the information, you can redeem the gift card and get the money.

How to Add Walmart Gift Card to Apple Wallet?

It’s straightforward to add Walmart Gift Card to your Apple Wallet. Firstly, you must scan the card using your phone’s camera. Afterward, you can link the card to your wallet using the app. Now, let me tell you, Walmart doesn’t support Apple Pay; hence you will have to install the app from the Apple store.

However, it won’t take much time, a maximum of 1-2 minutes. After completing the process, you will get the opportunity to use your iPhone to buy products from the store. Suppose you are experiencing any concerns with this method. In that case, you can notify their customer service team at 1-800-925-6278 (1-800-WALMART) to ask a question.

Final Words

In this article, I have provided you with the easiest ways to transfer a Walmart gift card to the Cash app. Somehow, if you are having trouble with the mentioned process or want to know more, you can ask me in the comment box. Thanks for reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, by using the PayPal app, you can use your Walmart Gift card to send money to others via the Cash app. You can’t send funds directly without the PayPal app or your bank account.

Generally, it is not allowed by Cash App to send money through a Walmart Gift card. So, there is no chance of restrictions on or ban. However, if you use PayPal, you can easily transfer a Walmart gift card to the Cash app.

Sadly, you can’t use an existing gift card to buy extra gift cards as Walmart doesn’t allow it. Moreover, you can’t use multiple gift cards to get a new one, as Gift card consolidation is also not permitted.

Yes, if you are a Cash app user, you will get a cash card ( debit card) connected to your cash account.

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